Anime Episode Review : Sword Art Online II (Episode 6) Swordsman Vs. Sniper!

Hey,everyone~!! How are you guys doing today?! I'm so sorry for this late review,I was not feeling very well and I just started to feel better and I just finished watching this episode of SAO. Also,I just realize that this blog is going to reach 1000 pageviews soon! That's awesome! This is kinda of a YouTube thing but what do you guys want me to do to kind of celebrate the 1000th pageview? Please comment,I never seen you guys comment at all,do I have to do something in the settings...? I'll check it out after this but please comment and if you don't,I'll try to think a way to celebrate even though that is not going to happen.^^" Anyway,let's enjoy ourselves and get on with the review~!!

So,the Death Gun dude was from an evil guild that kills players in SAO,Laughing Coffin...coffins don't laugh though... He might be one of the guys that Kirito fought before because he knows Kirito's sword fighting styles and such.I don't quite understand why he is so afraid so,please forgive me.Is he afraid that Death Gun is after his booty and will kill him  which will kill him in real life? That's a new definition of "Fight me in real life,bro!",don't you guys think so? Then he gets scared and sweat like he just watched something so horrible that mankind never thought it exists and he yells like a maniac as he fight with other contestants.

He really was on an edge there and he should really calm down like he always do in SAO and ALO.And of course,the only way to make him come to his senses is from a girl he just met and held close like a yuri anime scene. Sinon is like a cute tsundere when she realized Kirito holding her very close to him like that and it was kinda funny. I wonder what Kirito will get after defeating Sinon like what is his reward? 200,000 gold or something? Or a Gundam light saber?! XD That would be awesome and weird at the same time,imagine him carrying that huge light saber! Now,what I like in this episode. Nothing much happened but at least they explained to us and refreshed our memories about the Laughing Coffin AKA Coffin Of Psychos.

The fight scenes were great and when Sinon fires her weapon and the glass breaks and shatters in front of her,that was awesome! I like that a lot,nice touches. The art,graphics was great which I really don't care from now one because it is not about those graphics,it's about anime! Anyway,I think that is it for this review.Again,leave a comment on what I should do when I reached 1000 pageviews. I'll see you guys next time.Have a great day and take care^^/


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