Anime Movie Review : One Piece: Heart Of Gold

Hey, everyone! How are you guys doing? So, I wanna guys had problems finding or visit my blog? Because I changed the url a few days back and I noticed there were no views at all. When I noticed that was going on for a couple of days, I changed back to the old url. If some of you guys don't know, I changed the url because I decided to make manga reviews on this blog (That is until I noticed that I had made a manga review awhile back) so I change the url a bit. After I changed it, there were no views. So, I think I'm going to stick with the old url so that you guys can easily find my blog. I'm trying to learn and improve my blog appearance and technical wise so that you have a great time being on here^^/ Anyway, onto the review!

So, I watched this movie a few years ago. I bought the DVD and I watched it during the early time when I move to a new place and have no Internet. I'm sure most of you guys already saw this movie but I'm just giving you guys my thoughts on the movie. Especially after my little brother watched the movie numerous times because at that time he was starting to like watching One Piece, which is good...sometimes...Anywho, 

This movie is focused on a little girl (Who is actually an old lady because she didn't age for a long time), named Olga.

Forgive this rusty reviewer for not remembering the little girl's last name. Hell, maybe he will forget his own children's names!

...Well, aren't you full of attitude...but yes, my apologies. Olga is from an island, Alchemi, that was lost by getting swallowed up by a huge as hell fish with that pretty light danggling in front of its face. On that island  has been said that there was a gold, so valuable that you can buy the world with it and everyone and their momma, even the World Government want that gold called, The Pure Gold. In the story, Olga managed to escape from the huge fish and turned herself to the World Government and led them to the Pure Gold in exchange for her safety. I think. I have forgot about the movie a bit. The villain in the movie or main villain is a treasure hunter named, Mad Treasure. A guy who likes the thrill of a treasure hunt and finding awesome treasures. He's kind of like Nate from Uncharted but very crazy and greedy. He is going to find the Pure Gold and give it to another man (If I'm not mistaken) named, Tesoro. The Strawhats, help Olga to find the Pure Gold and go on for a treasure hunting adventure.

This movie was leading up to another movie, One Piece: Film Gold . I will make a review of it as soon as I can. 

The review and thoughts: The movie was okay. I would give it a three out of five at best. I don't know how to put it...The movie was okay. But not as good as the other One Piece movies that I liked such as Strong World, Film Z and Film Gold. Story wise, it's okay and interesting because it's about a lost treasure that could buy the frickin' world. The fight scenes are great, my favorite is when Zoro fought that drunk archer lady. And it was pretty funny between Sanji and that guy that, stole his dream XD

Okay, the fan service in One Piece, in my opinion is very tricky because in the series I don't mind the fan services because it's not as obvious and frequent like Fairy Tail. Sure there are girls with 'nice' clothes but at least there aren't much scenes that focuses or zoomed in on their...chest... XD Relax, guys. I'm gonna be clean right here that, I'm not some hypocrite or something. I'm a dude and I'm...sure there are guys that aren't into the 'anime plot' but I do know a friend of mine that use to be real good and claimed that he didn't  mind nor interested. That is until I met him again a few years later and stared at the scene in Fariy Tail's Dragon Cry movie when Lucy was dancing XD 

I guess it bothers me in this movie because, my brother watched it. I don't mind mom would watch together, not because she's interested in the anime but just casually watch with us and I was worried what she would think or say about those scenes. Surprisingly, she hadn't said anything XD

Again going off topic...Okay! Likes! The story, the fight scenes and animations are okay. Dislikes, Olga's character and feel like the voice actor for Olga's father was not suitable for that character. That is my opinion by the way, if you guys think he's okay, that's fine. I dislike Olga because of her attitude on and attempt to trick people but they heard her plan anyways and that expression she makes when they found out. Her expression and attitude, if I'm not mistaken, portrays the behavior of a monkey. That's what I learned from watching anime,. Like monkeys are well known to make fool or make fun of anyone else but ended up being the fool themselves. Again, if I'm pronouncing this incorrectly, I really apologize. I'm not trying to hurt anybody or disrespect their culture or anything. Just my observation after years of watching anime, and learning tiny bit about Japanese culture or lifestyle.

God, again with the mumbling and rambling -_-

Overall, the movie was okay. Now it has been three times I have said that.  I'm sorry Xd And that brings an end to this unnecessarily long review! I hope you guys somewhat enjoy this review. I will post about other One Piece movies that I have watched or other anime movies! That I remember XD I'll see you all next time! Stay safe and good night! 


  1. Oi Daniel, it's been a while hasn't it? I was just going through old posts of me and found a link to you blog. I am glad u changed this blogs URL back to the former one. Do u remember your "random blog" which u stopped in 2016? U linked this blog here so I gave it a try.

    Thank you for your review but yeah you are right it was reaally long xD maybe you should add a part where u state your ratings and explain in the following? just like in the beginning where u stated that u'd give it 3 out of five :)

    I hope u have a nice time and keep on posting :)


  2. Hey, Katja! XD You right it has been awhile! Haha, how are you? ^^ Yeah, I tried to change the URL because I'm going to start reviewing manga and manga chapters but noticed that no one has visited the blog for a few days^^"

    You're welcome and thank you for commenting and giving me your opinion. It really helps improving me as a reviewer, blogger and writer^^/ Because the format I'm going for is explain the movie's synopsis, give my review and opinions, and then rate it like I just did in another post about another One Piece movie.

    You don't know how giddy I was that there was a new comment in this blog XD I hope you had a good time on this blog, I'm more frequent here than my Random Blog^^ Thank you again and stay safe, Katja ^^/

  3. Eyooo ^^ I am fine. Well let's say hyped? It is awesome to hear from you again and tbh I noticed that I didn't see your most recent posts on your other blog (I dunno why but oops...? ^^' Sry for that. 2016 sounds dramatic like.... oof ) But thanks for answering and posting again <3

    Well I am glad, I am able to help :) I know how sad it is if you run a Blog but no one reads it or people read it, but there is not 1 comment.

    Well if you stick to it go for it! I myself like giving small headers when talking about a large topic, so people can jump to the parts, they think are most interesting. It is indeed very useful to have a summary of a kind and then an honest review. That's where you shine.

    Gonna go switch your Blogs now, figured there might be a new post ;P

    Hopefully you stay healthy too. Until next time!

    1. Yo^^/ Haha, I'm glad and it is awesome to hear from you too since I haven't heard from my other friends from Google + especially now that it is gone T^T (Lol, it's okay XD)

      Well, one time there is a guy commented on my Danshi Koukousei No Nichijou review^^/ It's not sad for me, really^^/ I know that there are people who are the silent types, that doesn't like to comment because I'm one of them too XD I watched a lot of YouTube videos but I rarely ever commented on one^^/

      Excuse me, what is this 'small headers' you're proposing? What kind of witchcraft is that? Sorry, just kidding XD But seriously, can you explain about the small headers?^^/ I'm a total noob about blogging, still am and probably will for a long time. Actually, it's a surprise that I have a lot of views on this blog XD

      Alright, thanks again for stopping by^^/ Later!

    2. Oh, and thanks for following this blog too! ^^/ Just noticed it XD


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