Anime Episode Review : Akame Ga Kill! (Episode 21) Su-San!! Mine!! T^T

Hey,guys! How are you guys doing today? I'm feeling a little better because I just ate my medicine and my day was great,I was going out with my mom and my little brother almost the whole day.I bought a SAO sword key chain and a Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Tsuna bookmark! I already posted the photo at my profile so if you guys wanna go see it,just click my little face XD This episode of Akame Ga Kill! was sad and epic.Another mixed emotion moment for me but before I get any further,let's get on with the review,shall we? Assuming that this anime is gonna end on the 25th episode,they really going all out on this episode.And look! It has been awhile since we last saw the emperor! I bet he is so angry that he didn't get enough screen time,lol XD And I must say that the action and the battles was pretty intense and epic. Even though, Tatsumi didn't fought Wave in this episode but at least we get to see Najenda and Susanoo fight against the Ice Queen,Esdeath! That fight was pre...