Anime Movie Review : One Piece Movie 3D : Mugiwara Chase


Hey, what's up you guys? Here is another One Piece movie but it's not just any old movie. Oh, no. It's in 3D! WHAAAAAAAAATTTTT?!! ...Why did I get excited about? This movie was out God knows how long ago, ain't nobody gonna be excited because it's 3D. Or do they? o.O

Anyway, this is the eleventh movie of One Piece. I watched this movie awhile ago on the good old reliable, YouTube. Yes, sadly I didn't get to experience the 3D magic. Wish I did. I wonder how it would have look like. To be honest, I didn't know this was the eleventh movie. I just searched it and this came up. When I watched the movie it just says Mugiwara Chase. So, I thought it was a special episode or something. The storyline of this movie is very simple and you should know how the story goes just by reading the title. yup. The crew chase Luffy's most precious treasure (I guess he considers Nami as his precious treasure back on the Arlong Arc. You know, when he put the hat on her head. LuNa? XD, was missing.

An old pirate and his pet dog who ate a Devil Fruit that could turn the dog into a Griffon, stole the hat. The dog did it as either the hat was proof that his master managed to steal something by one of the strongest pirates on the sea, I don't know because I don't remember. The crew stumbled the man when he was injured because he don't go and swallowed a whole fork! XD At some point, Luffy, Zoro and the dog whose name is Wazu, got captured by the Marines. 

The movie was great, I loved every bit of it. The characters, villains and new characters such as the old pirate and his dog, Wazu. The soundtrack that played when they ran away from the marines while chasing the hat as well as when the crew came and fight the Marines was played by Tokyo Ska. In fact, I think all the soundtracks in the movie might be played by them. The music is great, the animation, fight scenes were great as well. And the big finish when Luffy use his Third Gear and punched the Marine Commander that damaged his hat was oh so satisfying as well as epic. the same goes when Zoro and Sanji team up ad knock out the two giants! 

Overall, I would rate this movie: 10/10 would recommend and would watch again! If you guys haven't seen this movie yet, give it a try. This was before the Time Skip by the way. And next up will be another movie that I liked and that is Film Z! So, I'll see you guys next time. Have a great day and stay safe as always! And please do comment to let me know what you think and what I do need to do to improve :)


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