
Showing posts from February, 2015

Anime Episode Review : Tokyo Ghoul √A (Episode 6) DROP DOWN AND GIVE ME 9000 PUSH UPS!!!

Hello,everyone~! Or should I say, "Hello again,everyone~!". Haha,how are you guys doing? Still good? Just eaten that delicious peanut butter and jelly sandwich? Or that delicious Subway sandwich? What I'm trying to ask is have you guys eaten yet? XD I know,I'm trying too hard to be funny T^T No need to remind me that! T^T Oh,by the way. Remember long,long,long ago that I said about Persona 4 the Golden Animation is the same as the normal Persona 4? Well,it is not. The comments from the anime site that I watch anime were lies! T^T I'm near finishing it at the moment but when I finish watching it,expect an anime review about that! Also,I have to almost re-watched the episode of Durarara!!x2 Shou for that review and I'm re-watching this episode of Tokyo Ghoul because I might forget some things in the episode.And I'm surely not gonna miss them. Anyway,let's start of the review! I was a little disappointed that we don't get to see much of Kaneki in th...

Anime Episode Review : Durarara!!x2 Shou (Episode 5) Izaya Is a Vlogger?! O_O

Hello,everyone~! How are you guys doing today? I'm fine as usual just a little tired because it's a little hot in my room at the moment^^" My air conditioner broke a week ago and now,I'm just using my fan XD And of course,you guys probably see this coming but I'm sorry for the late review.I have no excuse for it and I'm planning on doing all the review today because tomorrow is my birthday and I want to relax on that day^^ (Although,I have been resting all this time XD) But yup,tomorrow I'm gonna turn 18! Anyways,let's get this review started and coming up next is Tokyo Ghoul! So,stay put or maybe not . Just read it when you have time,no worries XD Anyway,let's get this review started! At the start of the episode,Izaya started recording himself in a vlogger kind of style.To those who don't know what is a vlogger or a vlog, it's a video blog and vlogger is of course, a video blogger. There are a lot of vloggers on YouTube with bog channels ...

Anime Episode Review : Kuroko no Basuke Season 3 (Episode 5) Emperor Eye! The Showdown Starts Now!!

Hello and good evening,everyone~!! How are you guys doing today? I'm fine as usual especially after eating some mushroom soup and pizza! I was really hungry before and damn,I was like a zombie! XD So,how's the weekend, everyone? So far mine is so far so good and I was pretty lazy today.Sunday should be an official lazy day,lol XD I know that some people needed rest on the weekends and all but try to be a little bit active. Relaxing is fine but don't be lazy like me and why do I started giving advice at the start of this review? XD Haha,anyways. Let's get this review started and I hope you guys enjoy yourselves! In this episode,is the continuation of the match between Shutoku and Rakuzan. And it looks like we got a glimpse or a full view on Akashi's power which is awesome but too OP, you know? XD I like how in animes that are related to anything in real life,they added some abilities to the characters. Some of the abilities looked not logical at all but they try to...

Anime Episode Review : Fairy Tail (Ep.44/219) Snow Globe of Memories!

Hello,guys and how are you guys doing? I'm fine as usual,feel a little hungry at the moment and I woke up late again today...Just because I finished school,how dare I to wake up late?! XD I guess it's fun for everyone else who are still school and all and let me tell you,it doesn't feel any different at all.Well,for me at least since I didn't go to school for a long time^^" Anyway,enough about me and let's talk about you guys for a minute. I was surprised with the amount of views I'm getting right now! You guys always blew my mind and I was surprised that the views from the previews Fairy Tail review is more than Tokyo Ghoul and Durarara!! 102 views to be exact! That is awesome!! Thanks for reading my content from where I started and still reading them today.And to those who started reading my content,welcome! Also,I think I might have to continue doing this review later because I have to go out with my mother in a few minutes so,I apologize^^"/ Than...

Anime Episode Review : Tokyo Ghoul √A (Episode 5) Kaneki On a Rampage!!

Hey,what's up, everyone~? How are you guy doing and what are you guys up to? I'm fine as usual just a little tired and I'm blogging and messaging my girlfriend at the moment. I might continue this review because it's very late now and I feel a little sleepy^^" By the way,I have an advice that I think you all should know,never eat while laughing at the same'll get a stomach ache after a few minutes.You're welcome.. Haha,anyway. This episode was very chaotic and a bit mixed emotions because one,Inspector Hinazawa (The guy wearing the Arata armor that got killed by Ken.And I just found out that his name is actually Shinohara -_-) and Ayato's past.So,without further a do,let's get this party started,shall we? Well,it's not a party if I'm alone...I'm just kidding,I have you guys,right?! At the start of the episode we get to see the one eyed ghoul twins,Kurona and Nashiro, fighting against their ex classmate or something like that,...

Anime Episode Review : Durarara!!x2 Shou (Episode 4) Hot-Pot Party~!!

Hello,everyone and good evening~! If it's evening at where you at and good morning,afternoon and good night to those who are in those times of the day! How are you guys doing today? I'm fine as usual just a little bit tired and so far my day is going well and normal as usual. I'm really glad that I get to do those reviews in almost one day and here is another review to add in the mix! And before I get started,I wanted to say thanks to my friend, Review Portal Network, for giving a shout out in his Durarara!! review! And if you're reading this,I will read your review soon since I already watched the episode! Thanks again! Now,let's get this review started...with a hot-pot! Hot pot parties looked so much fun,I wish I can attend or make a party like that with all my friends and family.It's such a warm moment and I mean literally,those hot-pots look so hot XD Anyway,this episode was so exciting and I like it to death. It really is Durarara and it really is back...

Anime Episode Review : Kuroko no Basuke Season 3 (Episode 4) Shutoku VS. Rakuzan!!

Hello again,guys~! How are you guys doing?! It's 3:42 AM here and my eyes are started to feel a little heavy but don't worry,I can endure it! I just hope that my mind and my brain is working perfectly otherwise this review will be very messy^^" Thanks for reading my content up till now,I don't know when I'm going to stop but I'm sure as heck that I won't.But if there is something that might happened and that I have to stop,I will let you guys know and I hope that I will always be in your memories^^/ Not always because you guys have a lot to go on in your lives,lol XD Never give up,stay strong and never let others bring you down! They're down there for a reason! Let's start the review~!! So finally,we got to see Akashi's team in this episode and it looks like there are some interesting guys in Rakuzan. Three uncrowned kings and a member of the Generation of Miracles?! It's like a huge boss at the end of the last level! The final boss! I...

Anime Episode Review : Fairy Tail (Ep.43/218) End Of Celestial Spirit Arc! *Grin*

Hello again,everybody~! What are you guys up to and how are you guys doing?! I hope you're doing great and doing something that is not...weird...A-Anyway,here I am again with another review of an episode of an anime! And if possible I will post two more reviews sooner or later so look out for that! It might fell on your head or something so, make sure you wear something to protect yourself.For example, the powerful mystery legendary Kabo Mask! With it's power of... making pumpkin juice flowing out from your least it is free,right?^^" And you can sell pumpkin juice for days! It's a win-win!! Okay,that is it of my nonsense rambling^^" Let's get on with the review,shall we? At the start of the episode, Natsu and the others continued to beat (and maybe abuse?) the Celestial Spirit Beast! Seriously,I didn't expect that this episode was the end for this filler arc.I thought that the next episode might be the end for the filler. And again,as a reviewe...

Anime Episode Review : Tokyo Ghoul √A (Episode 5) Kaneki Is An Arrancar?! O_O

Hello,hello,hello~! How are you guys doing this fine and kinda late morning (midnight)? I'm fine as usual and my day was a little bit poopy but don't worry it wasn't all poop just a little poop. Eeewww,poop XP Okay,so! I'm sorry for the EXTREMELY late review. I was very stressed about some stuff at my end and I'm sure you guys gone through stress too. I mean,who doesn't? I was stressed on how useless I am and the fact that I can't do anything as a man. And what I meant by that is,the responsibility as the eldest son and being a man. It might sound ridiculous and believe me,I do think the same thing but I want to change and I guess I don't know how or what is my first step. Anyway,I hope you guys understand. You guys are awesome and I appreciate you guys for reading my content! Let's start the review! The episode started with Amon and a priest ghoul who ran an orphanage years ago and took Amon in. I always wondered about that guy's past. The pri...