Anime Episode Review : Tokyo Ghoul √A (Episode 6) DROP DOWN AND GIVE ME 9000 PUSH UPS!!!

Hello,everyone~! Or should I say, "Hello again,everyone~!". Haha,how are you guys doing? Still good? Just eaten that delicious peanut butter and jelly sandwich? Or that delicious Subway sandwich? What I'm trying to ask is have you guys eaten yet? XD I know,I'm trying too hard to be funny T^T No need to remind me that! T^T Oh,by the way. Remember long,long,long ago that I said about Persona 4 the Golden Animation is the same as the normal Persona 4? Well,it is not. The comments from the anime site that I watch anime were lies! T^T I'm near finishing it at the moment but when I finish watching it,expect an anime review about that! Also,I have to almost re-watched the episode of Durarara!!x2 Shou for that review and I'm re-watching this episode of Tokyo Ghoul because I might forget some things in the episode.And I'm surely not gonna miss them. Anyway,let's start of the review! I was a little disappointed that we don't get to see much of Kaneki in th...