Anime Review : GunGrave

Hello again, guys! Yup, I decided to post another anime review just for you guys! Now, most of you may haven't heard about this anime and to tell you the truth, I stumbled upon this anime on accident when I was trying to find some good anime to watch. And I must say, I love this anime! I love the action, the story, the violence? And some plot twists! If there was any! Because I already forgot and you guys better hope I don't mess this up! XD By the way, I forgot to tell you guys that there is an OVA of Kuroko no Basket and I think the title was, 'The Best Present Ever'? I'm not sure but look up for the OVA and I'm sure you'll find it- What? You guys already seen it? I was too late? Oh...sorry...

Gungrave by the way, is about a young lad and his friends. The young lad's name is Brandon, Brandon Heat. Is he hot? Yeah, I guess. I mean, he looks cool and he is the silent type so, to all the girls that love the silent type of guys, try checking this one out *wink* *wink* XD Oh my god, I'm being weird again XD This anime is a mafia anime so there will be a lot of shooting, dying, blood and a little bit of swearing I guess but that's just normal but to those who are young, better ask your parents to supervise, alright? Alright?! Good.

The anime was pretty thrilling and sometimes emotional about some scenes and I think there are about 50 episodes if I'm not mistaken. I really wish I have a really good memory so please leave a comment if you guys looked the anime up and saw how many the episodes are to let me know, okay?^^"/ The anime is mainly about a mafia organization which is where Brandon will join along with his friend and that organization is the Millenion. It's a pretty big organization and it has a very big reputation in the city for being I don't know, mafia like? Scary and powerful? I'm so bad at these...

I think that is it. I don't want to talk too much because I don't want to spoil anything and if you are wondering, this anime didn't just came out. I think it was aired in the 2000's and don't worry, the artwork is not that bad^^/ I hope you guys will give it a try and enjoy watching this anime. I'm sorry for cannot tell you any more detail but I don't know what else to tell you and I don't want to spoil you guys. I'll see you guys next time and have a great day, you guys! ^^/


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