Anime Episode Review - Fairy Tail 2014 (Ep. 4/179) Bikini Contest And Gray Vs. Rufus

Hey,guys! How are you guys doing today? I'm fine and my day is fine as usual,I mean it just started because it is 5:04 AM right now.I thought of making this review yesterday but I didn't have the time to do it so, I decided to do now.Better late than never,huh?^^ And I think this is going to be a short review because there's nothing much happening in this episode. The episode is great,we get to see Gray fight with that snob Rufus and Lucy and Mira having a bikini contest^^" I laughed out loud when they having that contest in that kind of place so that they could get the guards attention and it was Happy's idea! I love Fairy Tail when they are trapped or something,they always have fun and making jokes.There are a lot of emotions mixed in this anime,sometimes it makes you sad,angry and shiver down your spine because of the epicness! Rufus and Gray's battle was pretty intense because they both use Molding Magic but Rufus has the upper hand because he uses Memo...