Anime Episode Review : Fairy Tail (Ep.11/186) Erza Vs. Minerva... Dammit, Minerva

Hey guys, how are you guys doing today? I'm fine as usual and my day was good as usual. My travel was cancelled because we all woke up very late! Hahaha, we probably go tomorrow on Monday. Anyway,I just finished watching this episode.I didn't do it earlier because like I said,woke up very late.Then I went out with my family for a while and had dinner. And as usual, I'm writing this during late at night. It's almost 1:00 AM here. Let's just jump in the review,okay? And I'm sorry if I sound not as cheerful as before and if you guys didn't notice,don't worry about it. I guess my brain is trying to gather up everything from the episode because there were some small surprises and Minerva... She is just straight up the most hateful character in villain category. To me she's much worst than Doflamingo, Angel and I can't think of the other characters that I hate so much.The way she did to Millianna and Kagura is so cruel and unfair. I was a little disa...