Anime Review : GunGrave

Hello again, guys! Yup, I decided to post another anime review just for you guys! Now, most of you may haven't heard about this anime and to tell you the truth, I stumbled upon this anime on accident when I was trying to find some good anime to watch. And I must say, I love this anime! I love the action, the story, the violence? And some plot twists! If there was any! Because I already forgot and you guys better hope I don't mess this up! XD By the way, I forgot to tell you guys that there is an OVA of Kuroko no Basket and I think the title was, 'The Best Present Ever'? I'm not sure but look up for the OVA and I'm sure you'll find it- What? You guys already seen it? I was too late? Oh...sorry... Gungrave by the way, is about a young lad and his friends. The young lad's name is Brandon, Brandon Heat. Is he hot? Yeah, I guess. I mean, he looks cool and he is the silent type so, to all the girls that love the silent type of guys, try checking this one out...