
Showing posts from September, 2014

Anime Episodes Review : Kuroko No Basuke 2 (Ep.26 - 44) Fist Bumping, The Zone And Poison Cooking

Hello,everyone! How are you guys doing today?  I hope you guys are doing alright and more importantly,how do you guys feel with this episode review of this anime? Do you like it so far and do you want me to post it frequently or not? Because I know that most of you guys already watched this anime and the same goes to those who hasn't watched this yet will feel a bit annoyed because I post this a little bit frequently lately.Just let me know and tell me what to do,alright? And by the way,I think I won't be able to do a review of SAO and Akame Ga Kill! today because I'm so tired right now and not really in the mood because of my neighbors. If I decided to make the review of either on of them,I maybe will post it,depends on the situation and my mood. Anyway,enough about me and let's get this review started! So,after the match between Kaijo and Touou,team Seirin went to the mountains this time to train.Everyone except Kagami went there because he wants to train with his...

Anime OVA Review : Kuroko No Basuke - A Monkey Can't Win!

Hello again,guys! Well,instead of me keep asking how are you guys doing,let's just start the review at full speed,shall we?^^ I don't like to repeat the same things over and over again but I don't know. If you guys don't me keep asking you how are you doing,let me know. By the way, Happy Birthday to those who are born o 28th of September! I hope you have a great day and enjoying your birthday! Alright! Let's get on with the review and continue with our lives~! This is the first OVA of this anime and I don't know if there's gonna be more but I hope there is more because this OVA is so funny! And as I'm a high school boy, I exactly know the feeling whenever you have to do your best in your exams and it's very entertaining when I watch some anime characters went through the struggle and make us laugh. That is why High School genre is one of my favorites! Anyway,this OVA takes place after or before their match with Touou Academy and Kagami wasn't d...

Anime Episode/Fandisc Review : Kuroko No Basuke - Oshaberi Shiyokka Episode 1

Hey hey,everyone~! How are you guys doing? I'm fine as usual but I feel pretty hungry at the moment because I haven't eaten break fast yet... I want to go and eat now but I'm a little lazy right now so, maybe later XD Anyway,I hope you guys are doing great today and I hope you have a great weekend.Don't forget to do your homework and brush your teeth! It's irrelevant with this post but just do it anyway,okay? I'll give you a candy as a reward~ Okay,two. Fine,three! Five and that's it! ...What am I doing?^^" Let's just get on with the review and end this,shall we...? Before we start this review,can someone please tell me what is a fandisc? Is it like an OVA or a special episode? Anyway,I think this review will be short because most of what happened in this episode is a recap of their previous matches before Touou. I like this fandisc because it's just full of comedy and all characters come together and doing their own thing. By the way,I alread...

Anime Episode Review : Fairy Tail (Ep.26/201) Mud Bath Party!!

Hello again,everyone~! Wow,three reviews in one day?! How can this be?! LOL But seriously,I'm surprised of myself to post three reviews in one day.I think it's a new record for me but I don't know. I'm fine as usual by the way and I hope you guys are doing well. It's almost dusk here and I just finished watching this episode just now because I just remembered that Fairy Tail's new episode is already out.I was bored at that time and thankfully I get to make this review. So,what are you guys up to? And hows your weekend? Anyway,let's get this review started! I don't know how to start the review but here I go! So,today's episode has not much action at the beginning until Lucy,Happy and Natsu went for a job but before that they received a huge and warm welcome form the people of Magnolia.And if you guys noticed there is the guild who took away Fairy Tail's headquarters and kick them out when Natsu and the others were frozen or asleep at Tenrou Isla...

Anime Episodes Review : Kuroko No Basuke (Ep.17 - 25) Kise VS. Aomine!! (May Contain Spoilers)

Hello, everyone~! How are you guys doing today? I hope you guys are doing well and having a good day but unfortunately my girlfriend is sick today and she still goes to school. I hope she gets well soon and I hope you guys wish that to her too! Anyway,I just posted a movie review so go check it out if you haven't! I suppose to post this first but I decided to post that because I know it would take a lot of time to make a review of the movie because one,I'm bad at explanation.Two,I'm bad at explaining things.And three,I'm just bad in general! But despite all that, you guys keep reading my content and I really appreciate that!^^ So,let's get this review started,shall we?! I just watched the 25th episode of Kuroko no Basuke just now and man,that match was intense! But let's start from episode 17 and then we talk about episode 25. So a lot happened such as Seirin lost to Touo Academy and everyone was down from that match and I was down too. They work so hard until...

Anime Movie Review : One Piece 3D2Y- The 15th Anniversary Special Overcoming Ace's Death And Luffy's Pledge To His Friends!

Hello,everyone~! How are you guys doing today?! I just woke up and I'm fine as usual except I feel a little bit sore at both of my arms because I worked out last night.And I haven't been working out for a while so,yeah... XD Anyway,I know this movie came out last month and the reason I watched it now because I forgot about it and I thought the sub version of it hasn't came out yet. And I was a bit confused before I make this review because I don't know if this is a special movie or episode but I Googled it and it says it's a movie. But if I'm wrong,I'm sorry. I've been wanting to watch this movie because I saw some videos of it on YouTube but I didn't watch it because I don't want to get spoiled or see spoilers. Some times I don't mind spoilers but some times I do.Either way,I like the movie and it was awesome.The movie takes place when Luffy is training with Rayleigh and after he sent his message to the rest of his crew and that is '3D...

Anime Episodes Review : Kuroko No Basuke (Ep.1 - 16) Worth The Hype!

Hey,guys! How are you guys doing? I'm fine as usual and my day was great because it rained almost whole day today.So,as you all might wonder why am I doing a review of this popular or well known anime? Well,I haven't watched this anime because I thought it was another anime and that is 'Fruits Basket' or something like that.I don't remember why I don't like watching it,maybe it contains a lot of romance. Also,I haven't watched that anime either and I'm always like that,calling this certain anime suck and when I watched it,I got hooked. Before I get started to review this anime,let me just say that this anime is worth the hype! I heard about this anime literally everywhere and I some of my friends talked about it and said that it was an awesome and epic anime.I decided to watch it last Monday and I really liked it! I'm not a huge sports anime fan but this is different.I also like 'Prince Of Tennis' but I haven't finished watching it yet....

Anime Review - Cuticle Detective Inaba-San!

Hey,guys~! How are you guys doing? I'm fine as usual and of course it's pretty late here,it's already 3 AM,haha XD Anyway,Happy Birthday! To those who are born on 23rd of September! I hope you have a great day on your birthday.Don't party too crazy or you'll hurt yourself or those who are around you.If you see me,please give me ten dollars and a slice of pizza,thank you.That is payment for me wishing you happy birthday here.What,you think it's free? Pfffft! I started to sound like Nami from One Piece... Anyway,today I'm gonna make on a review on an anime that I already watched so,sit tight,don't relax and enjoy~! I watched this anime a couple years ago when my friend suggest it to me and show me how funny the anime is.The anime's genre is comedy,action,mystery and shounen. The anime is very silly and funny so if you have a bad day,try watching this and maybe it could crack a smile on your face or even your stomach! Even though stomachs don't cr...

Anime Episode Review : Akame Ga Kill! (Episode 12) Chelsea Will Chop It Off! O_O

Hello and good evening,everyone~! How are you guys doing today? I'm doing great and today is sunny! My day is good as always and I hope you guys are having a good day as well. Today,I decided to be more positive with myself and become better person.I want to change and I really mean it! To those who wants to change,let's change together! And don't let any negativity stop you! Inspirational mode is on~!! Anyway,I did say that I'm gonna do an anime review today but I don't know when.I'll try my best to make it and post it as soon as possible. Now,let's get on with the review! The episode started off in style as Tatsumi and the others ride on the wild beast stingray to somewhere that has a lot of beasts for them to level up and prepare for Esdeath's team. So,we got introduced to one of the new members in the last episode and that is, Susanoo.And now we're introduced with another cute but also like to tease Mine about her cleavage and just tease her in...

Anime Episode Review : Sword Art Online II (Episode 12) Kirito VS. Sterben Gun!!

Hello again,everyone~!! How are you guys doing today? I'm fine as usual and a little tired because it's 3 AM here. I'll go to sleep after I finished doing this review or after I watched Katekyo Hitman Reborn.I feel like I should make this review as soon as possible just to make up for posting the last review a little bit late. And again,you guys can blame it all on my neighbor because thanks to those douchebags,I got tired and not in the mood in blogging or making reviews. Also,I think I'll do an anime review later today after I made Akame Ga Kill! review.If I have time,I'll do it and now,let's get to the review and enjoy! So,finally we gets some action in this episode and let me tell ya,this episode is intense! A lot going on in this episode and one of them is Kirito fight against the shinigami wannabe,Death Gun! And by the way,I might search for this later on YoutTube but do you guys love the soundtrack with the violin when Kirito just stand in the desert wa...

Anime Episode Review : Fairy Tail (Ep.25/200) Like Mother,Like Daughter...

Hey,guys! How are you guys doing on this Sunday? Hows your weekend? I'm fine as usual and my weekend is good as usual as well.It's raining now but I don't mind since I love rain except thunder and lightning... Well,before I get started and I know I said this like a million times,I'm sorry. I apologize for posting this review a bit late.I was in a bad mood last night and I was very tired. Oh yeah,Happy Birthday to those who are born today, 21st of September! I forgot to make a wish a few days ago^^" Anyway,let's start with review unless you want me to keep on talking nonsense for the next few minutes! As you all know,this is a pretty sad episode and the episode leave me a question,is Ultear the old lady or she already died? I'm a bit confused so,I don't know but maybe you guys can tell me in the comments after I post this which I don't know when because a lot happened when I was making this post.You all can blame it all on my idiot neighbor. Again...

Anime Episode Review : Tokyo Ghoul (Episode 12/Final Episode) Kaneki Just Went Ghoulvolution!

Hey,guys~! How are you guys doing today? I'm fine as usual just hope that I won't get a cold or something,lol XD My mom is sick right now and I don't wanna get sick because there will be nobody to take care of her and that is why I didn't make this review yesterday. I was pretty busy with everything such as housework,more housework and taking care of my mom. But damn,that last episode though! I didn't even know it was the last episode until one of my friends said it but there is an announcement that the second season will be out next year so,look forward to it,alright?! So,the episode is pretty epic and gory and the best of all,we get to see what does a Chinese Red Head Centipede looks like! I'm really afraid of bugs and just seeing that thing moving makes me feel a little creeped out. And what we learned in this episode is that Jason was not the cause to change Kaneki  but it was Rize. But if you think from another angle,it seemed those two were the cause Kan...

O~o~ Anime Reviews ~o~O Milestone!

Hey,guys! How are you guys doing today? I'm fine as usual and my day was kinda okay and I say that because I slept almost the rest of the day just because I stayed up last night,lol. I gotta stop doing that because not enough sleep is bad for your health,remember that kids! Oh,you're not a kid? J-just remember that,okay buddy? Sorry if that was awkward but at least you guys don't have a cat that just sits on your lap,acting cute and a few seconds later they just farted because that just happened to me.My cat farted on my lap just now...two times! So,as you guys can see, I or we just reached 100 posts~!! WOOO!! I already made a milestone on my other blog which also just reached 100 posts and I just want to thank you guys for this because if it wasn't for you guys I won't make it this far. And I know that blogging is not that much of a deal but it is for me because at least I have something to do! XD And also,please comment in my posts. I know most of you guys are m...

Anime Episode Review : Akame Ga Kill! (Episode 11) Okama Army!!

Hello and good evening,everybody~! Are you guys having a stylish day? I hope so because today is annual R.I.P Mr. Stylish Day! What? That day doesn't exist? It does exist,I promise and to celebrate it,you have to watch from his first appearance in the anime to his death(You don't have to XD).I chose this day to because Mr. Stylish just created a nightmare for all otakus,hentais,titans,Sanji and just all of humanity and probably aliens.And he is the first doctor or scientist to create the Okama Army! We would love to give him an award but unfortunately he is already dead with Akame's poison so we decided to sold his award and just buy some stuff or donate some of the money to those who need it. Before I start reviewing the episode, What do you guys think of Secre's review on SAO? Did she do a good job or not? Because she keeps asking for a raise and I say that I would ask you guys first and if you guys say no then I won't give her a raise. It's as simple as tha...

Anime Episode Review : Sword Art Online II (Episode 11) She Llllllikes Him~!

Hey,what's up, guys~?! How are you guys doing today? Good evening and Happy Birthday to those who are born on 15th of September! No matter what year you were born,I just hope you have an birthday with your friends and family. I think I'm gonna do this more often,wishing people their birthdays everyday.That sounds a great idea,right? By the way,I forgot to explain what was the real reason of me posting the anime talk last night or this early morning.I post it as a replacement for SAO because I feel bad for not posting anything so,without further ado,here's the review! Ooh,that rhymed! Haha,like you, right? I'm not a hentai! But if you say that to another hentai,I guess he would smile because you gave him a compliment. Why is that a compliment though? Either way,it's pretty funny! Yeah,it is! Oh,I forgot that we have to make the review of the new episode of SAO! We have to watch it right now! Hmph, you have been slippin' a lot, boss. You should've step your ...

Anime Talk : One Piece - Ep. 537,I think? [Vander Decken's Power And The New Fishman Pirates Arc]

Hey,guys~! How are you doing? And what are you up to? I'm fine as usual and it is 4:22 AM right now so,it's okay! XD Before I begin the anime talk,I want to apologize for not making the SAO review yesterday or on Saturday.I was in a really bad mood last night and the aftermath was me feeling really tired and I may not be able to focus when I make the review. Even if I do it now,I maybe still can't focus because my lack of sleep.I'll try to make the review in the morning or in the afternoon.Also,how do you guys like the layout of blogs? Do you like it? If you do,comment down below! Alright,you guys know that I'm really falling behind with this anime as it continues to be ongoing (Which is great!) and there will be more episodes.It may take time before I get to DressRossa Arc and the filler before that? The one with girl that can change size and become a giant and wants to rescue her dad which is a great cook and he cooks using volcanoes? That's a long explanati...

Anime Episode Review : Fairy Tail (Ep.24/199) Let's Dance, Kabo!

Hello again,everyone~! How are you guys doing? First of all,I wish you guys are having a good weekend and I'm sure we all really need it so that we could just chill and keep calm and do whatever we want! By the way,there's this big exams for all 12 year-olds in my country and that is UPSR. Good luck everyone,do your best and don't cheat! I'm fine as always by the way and my day is good as usual even though I slept until 3 PM or so because I slept late last night which is probably at six in the morning! XD Anyway,enough about because as you all know it's not about me,it's about the review and the entertainment! So,sit back,relax,have a drink or something and don't relax! After all the chaos created by future Rogue and the dragons,everyone celebrate their victory in the palace while the town is in the rubble. But dang,all the characters look so good in those clothes! Gajeel looked a bit weird just because of his hairstyle and I never thought he would have th...

Anime Episode Review : Tokyo Ghoul (Episode 11) R.I.P Maru-San's Bike...

Hey,guys~! How are guys doing? I'm pretty much fine at the moment since I got a good laugh because I tease my brother.Long story short,he will sleep outside and he agrees with the idea! I think I will tell the story in more detail in my other blog because if I do it here,the post will be long like assignment long or essay long or contract long which are taboos of blogging.Actually,not really.I'm just messing with ya,but there are some truth in that,really.Anyway,let's just get on the review before we either go to work,sleep,school,college,skate park,cross dress park,notice me senpai avenue and etc. In this episode,Kaneki is trapped in a game and it is called, 'One Night With Jason C. Cray' which is more scarier than Five Night at Freddy's.The title said five nights but it has seven,make up your mind! In this game,you'll be Kaneki and you have to endure of being tortured or witness it first hand with centipede also known as Centimeter Speed. Not really. A n...

Anime Episode Review : Akame Ga Kill! (Episode 10) Ogre Jr.'s Drill Will Not Pierce The Heavens!

Hey,what's up guys?! How are you guys doing and how is your Monday going? Everyone hates Monday but let's just endure it until Friday! Anyway,I already watched this episode probably an hour ago and I keep thinking for a title and I decided to choose that.And Actually,I just woke up^^" I was playing with my cat and I fell asleep... I swear,mattresses are evil! They make you fall asleep whenever you lay on it! They will rule the world,you'll see! Let's just get on with the review before I get too carried,okay...? From the last episode,Tatsumi was taken by Esdeath and become her lover.He is either lucky or unlucky,I can't really say because whenever when we see a male character with a beautiful and hot or cold depends on the female character,we would say, "Lucky,bastard...". It's funny whenever I see a comment like that but in this case,I guess he's unlucky and lucky at the same time because of the situation and what he is? But dang,that Ogre...

Anime Episode Review : Sword Art Online II (Episode 10) Death Gun And My Little Pony VS. Kirito And Sinon!

Hey,guys! How are you guys doing? I'm as always and I just waste a lot of time trying to find a new picture for this anime review.Strangely,there's no SAO Wallpaper with 'Sword Art Online II' written on it! And that really bugs me for some reason. I also waste time to edit some photos for this review but I can't do it.So,I will use the same wallpaper and I will try looking for a new wallpaper later or tomorrow.Well,enough of my nonsense rambling and let's get to the review,shall we? Once upon a time,at the year 2015...I think. There was a young hero,a young boy and a young crossdresser- I-I mean,unintentional using a female and has an advantage.The young man or woman,is Kirito.With his fellow partner and rival,Sinon The Tsundere,they are fighting Death Gun who is forever alone ever since his nakama got killed in a game called SAO. NAKAMA TACHI~!! those who don't know what that was,it's a song from the anime Toriko... Back to the story.After...

Anime Episode Review : Fairy Tail (Ep. 23/198) . . . . . . Is Going To Kill Frosch?! I Knew It!

Hello,everyone~!! How are you guys doing? I'm doing great just still a little paranoid about the spider... If you guys wondering what I'm talking about,go to my profile and there is a post from my other blog about my experience with a huge,creepy spider that suddenly appeared and I have to kill it. Anyway,let's get on with the review before I make you guys feel scared and paranoid like me... Haha! My theory was correct! I knew they were gonna use one of the dragons and that is Motherglare to use the portal! Even though they didn't plan it all but still... That portal seemed pretty strong but I thought it's not that strong but after Lucy and Yuki use their magic,Zodiac, which is very powerful didn't make a dent at all.And why when they both holding hands their you-know-what jiggles up and down?! Fan service?! How many fan service do we need here? As long as nobody is complaining it's alright,I guess. And I know that some manga writers don't want to re...

Anime Episode Review : Tokyo Ghoul (Episode 10) Jason Is Cray Cray!

Hello,guys~! How are you guys doing? I'm fine,thanks and my day is good as always and I hope you guys have a good day! And man the views on this blog keep going and going even though I didn't post anything! Thanks a lot,for reading my reviews,guys! I don't know what else to say,literally.I legit don't know what to say^^" I usually say a lot here because I just wanna talk to you guys before we get started^^" Think of it as an intro,kinda... Anyway,let's get on with the review! So,the episode started with some chaos by those ghouls from Aogiri Tree. They got the name from a strange looking and scary looking like those trees you saw in horror movies or horror games. I'm jut kidding,I don't know where they got the name from BUT! Touka's little brother is a jerk and an ***hole.Excuse my language but I really hate him than Tsukiyama and please tell me why Master (The old guy) called him too?! Well,at least he looks serious and kinda look cool befor...

Anime Episode Review : Akame Ga Kill! (Episode 9) Love At First Sight~! #Essumi?

Ahhh~ Oh,hello you guys~! Can you feel the love in the air? Oh,love! How are you doing? Are you guys having a good day? This full of love day? A lot of questions that need to be answered but let's get on with the review before we go and spend our time with our partners-Koi!!!! Before I get started,I guess I should tell you that this review will be full of love.You have been warned,stranger! I'm just playing! We won't do that.I figured that if I keep doing that,I will probably annoy you guys but if you guys want me to do that just let me know and I will do it on another review. Me and Secre are gonna do this review so,let's do this! So,we started the episode with a bath scene.Never got bored with those,am I right? Hey,Secre.Talk to me,what's up? Fine,go ahead and sulk then. In this episode all the characters are taking it easy a little after Bulat's death which is good because you won't get anything done by just grieving and make a big deal. And I'm hap...

Anime Episode Review : Sword Art Online II (Episode 9) Forever Alone Death Gun...

Hey,guys. How are you guys doing? I'm good and I'm glad that I get to make this review for you guys because I want to post this as soon as possible because this episode was out on Saturday and the same goes for Fairy Tail.I make those reviews including Tokyo Ghoul because I want to post them in order and it's already three days since the episodes out.I'm worried about them more than Akame Ga Kill because the new episode was out yesterday which is Monday and today is Tuesday.You guys know what I'm talking about but I don't know how to explain^^". Anyway,let's just get on with the review and get this over with! So,we started off at the scene where Death Gun paralyzed Pale Rider and about to shoot him.I think he's different not just that he can kill players online but that he can get passed by the system of the game. I said this because of how he ambushed Sinon at the end of the episode. At first,I thought they can detect him because maybe he has a d...

Anime Episode Review : Fairy Tail (Episode 22/197) Ultear's Sacrifice!

Hey,guys...How are you? Doing great? I'm doing great,a little bit surprised from the impact of this episode...First of all...this is a great episode and second...oh my god! Did that really happened?! Sorry,I'm just so hype right now after I watched this episode! Wow just wow... I know it's sad but that major counterattack was really epic.I don't know if you guys feel the same but this episode was really epic for me and I really got the chills running down my spine and I'm really aware that I'm overreacting but to see them fight back when they were in a midst of despair was really awesome! When Ultear finished casting that magic and when I see that nothing changed around her,I was like, "'t tell me that it was all for nothing!". The feel of Ultear's sacrifice was all for nothing really make me feel a little down especially when it showed that she only change time and went back to one minute.And with her expression like that? Come ...

Anime Episode Review : Tokyo Ghoul (Episode 9) Rize's Fanboys And Black Star's Parrot!

Hey,everyone! How are you guys doing? I know that I made this review very late and I want to apologize because of that and I know that it must be annoying for me to make reviews very late and that I apologize a lot.I'll try to make myself better and post the reviews on time.As for this episode,I tried watching it on Saturday but my Internet was slow or the site was very slow and I didn't get to watch it.So,I decided to do it on Sunday but I was busy with some personal stuff and I wasn't really in the mood of making reviews that day. I thank you guys for reading my reviews despite of how late I post them and so,without further ado- is it ado or a do? ....Anyway,let's just get to the review! Darn,I forgot the name of Kaneki's friend! I was just about to talk about him but I forgot his name! Now,I have to look it up.... T^T Hide! I knew his name was Hide! When I was thinking for his name,I though his name was Kida. Anyway,let's get on with it and sorry for not re...